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We guide DIVORCE, SEPARATION, PARENTAGE or MODIFICATION Actions within your available time, skills and budget in KING/PIERCE/SNOHOMISH/SPOKANE Counties.

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Bold new regulatory and computing advances
are leveling the playing field for families without lawyers.
It's exciting, refreshing, and long overdue,
and most people don't even know it's happening.

- Alicia DeGon, Mother
Co-Founder & LLLT since 2018 

Struggling to access legal services?

You're not alone.


Here in Washington State, 3 out of 4 family law litigants go to court without a lawyer, mostly because they cannot afford one.


Don't be a statistic!

Home Explain

We provide fast, convenient, and affordable solutions for people

who represent themselves in family court.

Ready to Get Started?

We look forward to working with you. 

© 2023 My Legal Pit Stop Legal Technicians Gig Harbor, WA 

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